Informational meeting – Hwy 69 resurfacing from the county line to Gehin St, SW of Belleville

 Here’s what the DOT has to say:

 The rehabilitation project is intended to address deteriorating pavement and extend the service life on approximately 3.89 miles of roadway. This project will consist of removing 4-inches of existing pavement for the entire width of roadway and placing 4-inches of new asphaltic pavement. The work is expected to utilize flagging operations and remain open to traffic, so a detour will not be necessary. Construction is currently scheduled for 2022 but could be constructed in 2021 if funding is available. This meeting is intended to provide information about the project. WisDOT representatives will be available to discuss the project in detail, gather feedback, and address any questions or concerns the public may have.


Persons with any questions or concerns pertaining to this project or the meeting are encouraged to contact Jim Simpson, Project Manager at the WisDOT Southwest Region at 2101 Wright Street, Madison, WI  53704, email:, or phone: (608) 246-5628.

Highway 69 – information on the reconstruction project

On May 30, 2019, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation held public information meetings regarding the new construction on Highway 69.  DOT representatives provided maps and detailed information, which can be viewed in depth at this web address:  The DOT currently expects the schedule of activities to be:

           Appraisals and plans to utilities:  June 2019

           Draft plans, specifications and estimates (PS&E):  November 2020

           Final PS&E:   May 2021

           Construction from Paoli to Valley Road:  Spring to Fall 2022.  Includes constructioni of roundabout at the intersection of PB and Hwy 69.  Diane Avenue intersection to remain open.

            Construction from County D in Belleville to Paoli. Spring to Fall 2023. Diane Avenue intersection closed, intersection of PB and Hwy 69 to remain open.



Informational meeting regarding Highway 69 – focus on real estate acquisition

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation has scheduled a Public Involvement Meeting at the Town Hall from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 30, 2019, with a presentation to start at 6:00 p.m.  The notice received by the town states that “WisDOT representatives will give a brief presentation…regarding the proposed reconstruction with an enhanced focus on the real estate process which is about to begin.”  They state that construction iw currently scheduled to begin in 2022.

Ironman 70.3 Wisconsin

On June 9, 2019, the Ironmen and Ironwomen will again be speeding through our area. It is expected that there will be about 2300 participants in this year’s event. Among the local roads being used are Tipperary, Frenchtown, Cates, Observatory, CTH “A”, Sun Valley Parkway, and Paoli Road.  Further information is available at the event website,, or from contact person Ryan Richards, at




Rob’s Sugar River Ramble – June 2, 2109

The Upper Sugar River Watershed Association is sponsoring Rob’s Sugar River Ramble, a bike ride through the beautiful Sugar River watershed area, on June 2, 2019. The event expects to have about 200 participants, and to conduct some of its ride on Fritz Road. If you are interested in further information, the contact person is Wade Moder, reachable at  The event website is  

Montrose Election Results Nov 6 2018

Town of Montrose

November 6, 2018 General Election

Total Voters          662


Governor/Lieutenant Governor

Scott Walker/ Rebecca Kleefisch (Republican)        226

Tony Evers/Mandela Barnes (Democratic)               423

Phillip Anderson/Patrick Baird (Libertarian)                 4

Michael J. White/Tiffany Anderson (Wisconsin Green)   2

Maggie Turnbull/Wil Losch (Independent)      3

Arnie Enz/No Candidate (The Wisconsin Party)    1

write in   0

Attorney General

Brad Schimel (Republican)      245

Josh Kaul (Democratic)            404

Terry Larson (Constitution)          5

write in  0

Secretary of State

Jay Schroeder (Republican)   214

Doug La Follette (Democratic)    433

write in    0

State Treasurer

Travis Hartwig (Republican)     220

Sarah Godlewski (Democratic)   409

Andrew Zuelke (Constitution)    11

write in   0


United States Senator

Leah Vukmir (Republican)         211

Tammy Baldwin (Democratic)     447

write in   1

Representative in Congress, District 2

Mark Pocan (Democratic)     487

Write in   15


State Senator, District 27

Casey Helbach (Republican)   212

Jon B. Erpenbach (Democratic)   443

Write in   0

Representative to the Assembly, District 80

Sondy Pope (Democratic)   489

write in   13



David J. Mahoney (Democratic)   534

write in   9

Clerk of Circuit Court

Carlo Esqueda (Democratic)   474

write in   9



Should the state legislature protect residential property taxpayers by preventing commercial and manufacturing property owners from using tax loopholes to shift the tax burden to homeowners?

Yes   570

No       75

Should marijuana be legalized, taxed and regulated in the same manner as alcohol for adults 21 years of age or older?

Yes   445

No    211

School District


Shall the School District of New Glarus, Green and Dane Counties, Wisconsin be authorized to exceed the revenue limit specified in Section 121.91, Wisconsin Statutes, by $500,000 beginning with the 2019-2020 school year, for recurring purposes consisting of operational costs to maintain and grow instructional programs, staffing and facilities?

Yes   3

No    0


Shall the School District of New Glarus, Green and Dane Counties, Wisconsin be authorized to exceed the revenue limit specified in Section 121.91, Wisconsin Statutes, by $1,200,000 for the 2018-2019 school year, for the non-recurring purposes of purchasing land?

Yes   3

No    0


Shall the Oregon School District, Dane, Rock and Green Counties, Wisconsin be authorized to issue pursuant to Chapter 67 of the Wisconsin Statutes, general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $44,900,000 for the public purpose of paying the cost of a school building and improvement program consisting of construction, furnishing and equipping of a new elementary school; acquisition of sites for the new school and for future District facilities; and security improvements to District facilities?

Yes    9

No     8


Shall the Oregon School District, Dane, Rock and Green Counties, Wisconsin be authorized to exceed the revenue limit specified in Section 121.91, Wisconsin Statutes, by $2,118,487 per year starting in the 2020-2021 school year and thereafter for recurring purposes consisting of paying operation and maintenance expenses of the District including capital maintenance projects at District facilities, the cost of operating a new elementary school and District staffing costs?

Yes   8

No    9

FEMA Teams Deploy to Dane County Communities

Excerpt from Media Release from County of Dane Department of Emergency Management.  Contact Carrie Meier for more information.  608/266-5374 (Ref #201081023-#1) or contact Montrose Town Clerk at 608-424-3848

FEMA Teams Deploy to Assist with Registration

The FEMA Disaster Service Assistance Teams (DSA) will begin going door to door in flood/storm affected Dane County communities starting 10/23/2018.  The sole mission is to assist residents register with FEMA for disaster assistance.  They will begin in the Village of Mazomanie and move to other affected areas of Dane County………

Three ways to apply for FEMA funding:

1.     Call FEMA at 1-800-621-3362 (FEMA)

2.     Register online and click on “Enter your city and State or Zip Code to see if your area has been declared”

3.     When opened visit the FEMA Disaster Recovery Center.  This location will be heavily advertised once it is established.  The Disaster Recovery will be a location where people can interact face to face with FEMA and other available resources.  Monitor media and the County website for more information.

Address Changes

Now is the time to contact the Montrose Treasurer to update your tax bill address.  To change a name on your tax bill go to or contact the Dane County Treasurer’s office at 608-266-4151

Potential Scam Phone Calls Impersonating Voter Registration Resource

SUBJECT: Potential Scam Phone Calls Impersonating Voter Registration Resource

On October 1, 2018, two state election offices reported residents receiving phone calls impersonating an organization that provides voter registration assistance. The callers asked the recipients if they wanted to register to vote or request an absentee ballot over the phone.

These calls raise the possibility of voter confusion or follow-on malicious activity. Those who provide information to the callers will not be registered to vote, potentially causing a large number of unregistered residents to appear at their local polling place on Election Day. Those who requested an absentee ballot may contact local election offices seeking their mailed ballot or report requesting the ballot but not receiving it.

Additionally, voter registration requires residents to provide significant personal information, such as date of birth, physical address, or partial Social Security Numbers. It is unclear at this time if the callers requested the sensitive personal information required for registration. If provided, this information could be used to attempt fraudulent voter registration or conduct financially-motivated identity theft.

The EI-ISAC encourages recipients to share this information with other election offices within your state. If you are aware of any reports of these phone calls occurring in your jurisdiction, please immediately report it to the EI-ISAC SOC at 866-787-4722 or

Paoli Bridge Update


The pier out in the river was poured yesterday and the crew is working to remove the forms today.  Once that is complete they will continue with removal of the equipment and materials out in the river.

Please note that this Thursday, the contractor will begin to set beams on the new west abutment and pier.  This operation will again require large trucks coming and going that will be delivering these beams.  The plan is to have them stage down on Sun Valley Parkway, only bringing in one truck at a time as necessary.   We will try to minimize disruption to the businesses, but please be cautious and patient with this operation Thursday.  Hopefully most of the beams will be set by noon, but may take longer.

Next week the contractor will move into the east abutment and begin construction on that.  There will be one more day of pile driving, and as we get closer to that, I will let you all know.

As always, if there are any further questions, please let me know.



Nicholas Hoernke, PE
Transportation/Construction Engineer

Ayres Associates
5201 E. Terrace Drive, Suite 200 • Madison, WI 53718
Direct: 608.443.1282 • Mobile: 608.212.5263