Spring Primary Result – Town of Montrose

Results of voting today (February 18, 2020) in the Town of Montrose, in the primary in the Supreme Court race:

Daniel Kelly:  58

Jill Karofsky:  133

Ed Fallone:   36

Supreme Court Primary on February 18, 2020 – VOTE

On Tuesday February 18, 2020 the primary election to decide which of the three candidates for the Wisconsin Supreme Court will be on the ballot in April will be held.  All voting in the Town of Montrose is at the Town Hall between the hours of 7 a.m. and 8 p.m.  You must bring photo ID to vote; and if your address has changed since you last voted, bring proof of residence as well. If you are not registered, you can register on election day at the polls.

Check myvote.wi.gov for detailed information, or call the Town at 608-424-3848

VOTE!  We have a history of excellent turnouts and would like to carry on that tradition.


It might be a good idea to check your voter registration status for 2020

This is just a reminder, as we have 4 important elections this year, the first on February 18th.  If you are in any doubt about whether you are registered to vote, and that all your information is correct, you can check it out on myvote.wi.gov and make sure, before you are in line at the polls and maybe have to run back home to get proof of residence (you always have to bring proof of identity).  You are also welcome to call or text the town at 608-424-3848, or e-mail to montrose@chorus.net.  We can check it out for you, and help you get things sorted if there is any problem.  

2020 Meeting Dates update – changes in April and November

This year the Town Board will have its regular meetings on the second Tuesday, rather than the first, in both April and November, to avoid conflict with the elections being held on those Tuesdays.  The Annual Meeting will be, as usual, on the third Tuesday in April. (the tax bill handout had an erroneous date listed).  The dates are:

     April 14, 2020:   Regular Town Board Meeting

     April 21, 2020:   Annual Meeting

     November 10, 2020:   Regular Town Board Meeting


Property Tax Bills and Office Hours

Property tax bills will be mailed late this week and should arrive early the week of December 16, 2019.  If you would like to pay in person, we (treasurer and/or clerk) will be in the office at the town hall from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on December 20, 21, 27, 28, 30 & 31.  We will be here one evening in December, from 4 p.m to 8 p.m. on December 30.

Next month we will be in the office at the town hall from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on January 27, 28, 30 and 31.  We will also be here the evening of January 29 from 4 p.m. until 8 p.m. 

You are of course welcome to mail in checks or to drop them off at the town hall.

Two ordinances passed at Town Board meeting on December 3, 2019

The Town Board passed 2 ordinances at its meeting on December 3, 2019.  One was routine, allowing the town to use a more up to date records retention and destruction policy, and allowing some records to be destroyed without prior notification to the Wisconsin State Historical Society.  The other was more substantive.  It sets a referendum, to be voted on in April, on whether the town clerk and treasurer positions should be changed from elective positions to appointive positions.  This matters, because as things currently sit, only an elector of the township can serve in either position.  The town came close to having no clerk in April this year, when the previous clerk retired, and no one ran to take her place.  The board seeks to prevent this problem from recurring.  Both ordinances can be read and reviewed in the Ordinance section of this website.

Election Inspectors Needed! Deadline to express interest – December 3

At the Town Board meeting on December 3, 2019, the Board will be appointing election inspectors to work the elections for 2020 & 2021.  If you are interested even a little bit, please call or text 608-424-3848, or send an email to montrose@chorus.net.  Training is simple, and can be done online at your convenience.  Working the polls is a great way to meet your neighbors and support our democracy.  And there is a bit of pay. Also, by law, State employees can just take time off from work without using vacation or sick time, with proper notice to supervisors.  Other employers, such as Dane County and other municipalities, may have similar policies.   So if you are an elector in the Town of Montrose, and think you might enjoy helping your township in this way – do get in touch before the evening of December 3.