Special Town Board Meeting to Approve the Budget

Town of Montrose

Special Town Board Meeting to Approve the Budget

1341 Diane Ave., Belleville WI 53508

Notice is hereby given that on November 16, 2021 immediately following the SPECIAL TOWN MEETING OF THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWN OF MONTROSE at the Montrose Town Hall, a SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING will be held for the following purpose:

 1.     To approve the Proposed 2022 budget

Public Budget Hearing and Special Meeting of Electors

Town of Montrose

Public Budget Hearing

1341 Diane Ave, Belleville WI 53508`

Notice is hereby given that on November 16, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. at the Montrose Town Hall, a public hearing on the proposed 2022 budget for the Town of Montrose in Dane County will be held.  The proposed budget in detail is available for inspection at the town clerk’s office by contacting the clerk at 608-424-3848 Monday through Friday.  The following is a summary of the proposed 2022 Budget.


Intergovernmental Revenues
 $    132,393
 $ 135,069
Licenses and Permits
Public Charges for Services
Miscellaneous Revenue
Total Revenue
 $    145,009
 $ 149,335
General Government
 $      95,300
 $ 109,200
Public Safety
Public Works
Health & Human Services
Culture, Recreation, Education
Miscellaneous Expense
Capital Expenditures
Debt Service
Total Expenses
 $    565,475
 $ 577,913


Expenses Less Revenues Proposed 2021 total tax levy to be collected in 2022.   Local Levy $ 428,578, an increase of 1.7 %.

Town of Montrose

Special Town Meeting of Electors

1341 Diane Ave., Belleville WI 53508


Notice is hereby given that on November 16, 2021 immediately following the Public Budget Hearing at the Montrose Town Hall, a SPECIAL TOWN MEETING OF THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWN OF MONTROSE on the PROPOSED 2022 BUDGET for the Town of Montrose in Dane County will be held for the following purpose:


1.     To approve the 2021 total tax levy to be collected in 2022 pursuant to sec. 60.10(1)(a), Wis. Stats.


Jennifer Novinska, Town Clerk

Posted October 22, 2021 at Town Hall, Paoli Park and Paoli Pub.  Uploaded to townofmontrose.com  on October 22, 2021.

Budget Workshop

Notice is hereby given that on Monday, October 18, 2021, at 6:30 PM.

at the Montrose Town Hall, 1341 Diane Avenue, Belleville WI 53508, a Budget Workshop will be held on the 2022 proposed budget of the Town of Montrose.  

Alcohol Beverage License Applications


1341 Diane Ave. Belleville WI 53508



Notice is hereby given that the following application has been filed at the Office of the Town Clerk in the Town of Montrose, Dane County, Wisconsin for the sale of fermented malt beverages and intoxicating liquors in said Town for such class of license and such premises, respectively as indicated after the name of the applicant; for the period thru June 30, 2022.


Landmark Creamery LLC. Class A beer and Class A liquor. Anna Landmark, President/Member, 6895 Paoli Road, Belleville WI 53508.  Retail store consisting of one room with beverage and cheese cases and display.  The processing kitchen in an adjoining room with a walk-in cooler separating the two areas where bottles of wine and beer are stored.


 September 13, 2021

Will be posted in Post Messenger Recorder September 23, 2021





Alcohol Beverage License Applications


1341 Diane Ave. Belleville WI 53508



Notice is hereby given that the following application has been filed at the Office of the Town Clerk in the Town of Montrose, Dane County, Wisconsin for the sale of fermented malt beverages and intoxicating liquors in said Town for such class of license and such premises, respectively as indicated after the name of the applicant; for the period of September 7, 2021 thru June 30, 2022.



Original application for Class B and Class B liquor license for: Agave Enterprise, LLC, d/b/a Paoli Pub & Grill. Chase Gleiter, President/Agent, 6893 Paoli Road, Belleville WI 53508.  Pub Building, outside bar, back patio, volleyball court, front porch and patio, smoke room, and parking lot.

Surrender of Class B beer and Class B liquor from: MIRK 2 LLC, d/b/a Paoli Pub & Grill. Mark A. Franklin, President/Agent & Michael J. Franklin, Vice President, 6893 Paoli Road, Belleville WI 53508.  Pub Building with Outdoor Front and Back Patio Areas, Volleyball Courts, front porch, and Smoke Room.


Submitted by: Agave Enterprise, LLC, Chase Gleiter, agent.


The Town Board of the Town of Montrose will consider and receive public input, comment, or concerns regarding issuance of the above referenced licenses at its regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, September 7, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. at the Montrose Town Hall, 1341 Diane Avenue, Belleville, Wisconsin.



Jennifer Novinska, Clerk



To appear in the Post Recorder:  August 12, 2021

Job Opening – Town Patrolman

Town of Montrose seeks qualified applicants for a full-time Town Patrolman experienced in road repair, snowplowing, and equipment maintenance.  Preferred applicant must be self-motivated, able to work independently, and reliable.  This position will need to be available 24 hours per day in case of emergencies.  Requires a valid Wisconsin driver’s license and CDL.

Salary and benefits based on experience, ability, and qualifications.  Applications can be found under Forms and Permits, or clicking this link Job Application, or by calling the Town at 608-424-3848.  Application, resume, and references need to be received by August 27, 2021.

Open Book

Notice is hereby given that the Open Book review for the Town of Montrose, Dane County, Wisconsin, will be held on July 16, 2021 from 1 p.m. until 3 p.m., at the Town Hall, 1341 Diane Avenue, Belleville WI 53508.