STH 69 Construction Project Update 9/22/22

Asphalt Paving has begun!

The following work is anticipated to finish up the project:

  • Asphalt Paving continues into early October
  • Aggregate Shoulder placement
  • Landscaping
  • Pavement Marking
  • Rumble Strips
  • Signing
  • Work between Diane Avenue and Henry Road continues in preparation for 2023
  • Utility work continues south of Paoli to Belleville

A reminder that CTH PB at STH 69 in Paoli is closed to all traffic.

Paoli Road is permanently removed from STH 69, and cul-de-sac’s are being built. 

STH 69 is closed to thru traffic.  Access is allowed for residents and businesses that have an origin or destination on the project. It is highly suggested to use your closest access to STH 69 to get to a driveway. Large trucks need to use appropriate truck routes.

Please slow down, be aware of the flaggers. The construction crew has the right-of-way.

A signed detour route is posted and follows WIS 92, WIS 78 and US 18/151.

Project Website:

If you have any comments or questions, please reach out to Kim Ballweg at 608.212.5191 or


Thank you for your patience and understanding throughout the construction season. The section from Paoli to Verona is anticipated to open around November 1st.

Bid for Assessor 2023-2024

We are looking to sign a contract with a new assessor for 2023-2024.  Our current assessor is not able to commit as to whether they will be able (due to staffing) to complete the required re-evaluation in 2024.  The current assessor uses Market Drive.  2023 is a maintenance year and 2024 will be a required market update revaluation.

Please submit a bid to the clerk at by Oct. 4, 2022, our next board meeting.  If you aren’t able to submit by Oct. 4, but are interested also email the clerk. 

STH 69 Construction Project Update 9/07/22

Fall is approaching, and STH 69 is starting to take its final shape!!

Construction Update for STH 69 and the upcoming weeks:

  • The Bridge over the Badger Mill Creek is closed.
  • Major grading operations are finishing up, roadway aggregates are being trimmed in preparation for asphalt
  • Work in the roundabout at CTH PB is continuing with placement of concrete items, and lighting.
  • Asphalt work is anticipated to begin the week of September 19th, and will continue for approximately 3-4 weeks.  **Traffic may be held up or routed around the crew during paving to allow the rollers to finish in an area so that traffic doesn’t damage the new pavement.
  • Landscaping work is on-going
  • Once the pavement is completed, aggregate shoulders will be placed, as well as signing, pavement marking and finishing work.
  • Grading work continues from Diane Avenue towards Henry Road, away from the current STH 69 roadway in preparation for 2023.
  • Utility work continues south of Paoli to Belleville, and more is anticipated this fall

A reminder that CTH PB at STH 69 in Paoli is closed to all traffic.

Paoli Road to the west is permanently removed from STH 69, and a cul-de-sac will be built.  There is a temporary connection to Paoli Road to the east, but this will be permanently removed in the near future.

STH 69 is closed to thru traffic.  Access is allowed for residents and businesses that have an origin or destination on the project. It is highly suggested to use your closest access to STH 69 to get to a driveway. Large trucks need to use appropriate truck routes.

Please slow down, and the construction crew has the right-of-way.

A signed detour route is posted and follows WIS 92, WIS 78 and US 18/151.

Project Website:

If you have any comments or questions, please reach out to Kim Ballweg at 608.212.5191 or

Thank you for your patience and understanding throughout the construction season. The section from Paoli to Verona is anticipated to open around November 1st.



STH 69 Construction Project Update 8/04/22

Construction Update for STH 69 and the upcoming weeks:

  • Bridge work continues into September on the Badger Mill Creek bridge. STH 69 is closed from Manhattan Drive to Pine Row.
  • Grading operations are occurring on mainline from Himsel Road to County PB, and including County PB
  • Grading of side roads is anticipated in the month of August
  • Aggregate placement will continue in the month of August
  • The lanes are narrow as crews work on and through the existing roadbed.
  • Grading of the new roundabout at CTH PB has started, and will continue including construction of the new box culvert, and storm sewer work
  • Concrete curb and gutter work is anticipated later in August
  • Utility work continues south of Paoli to Belleville

A reminder that CTH PB at STH 69 in Paoli is closed to all traffic.

Paoli Road to the west is permanently removed from STH 69, and a cul-de-sac will be built.  There is a temporary connection to Paoli Road to the east, but this will be permanently removed in the near future.

STH 69 is closed to thru traffic.  Access is allowed for residents and businesses that have an origin or destination on the project. It is highly suggested to use your closest access to STH 69 to get to a driveway. Large trucks need to use appropriate truck routes.

Please slow down, and the construction crew has the right-of-way.

A signed detour route is posted and follows WIS 92, WIS 78 and US 18/151.

Project Website:

If you have any comments or questions, please reach out to Kim Ballweg at 608.212.5191 or

Thank you for your patience and understanding throughout the construction season. The section from Paoli to Verona is anticipated to open around November 1st.

Public Hearing

Town of Montrose


1341 Diane Ave., Belleville WI 53508

Tuesday August 2, 2022, at 7:00 PM

Regular Board Meeting to follow


  1. Discussion and/or Recommendation on Vacation of 49.5 foot wide strip of land that is part of the SE and SW quarters of the SW quarter, Section 20, Town 5 North, Range 8 East, Town of Montrose, Dane County, Wisconsin.

Commencing at the South Quarter corner.  Vacating approximately 786 feet of Feller Road north of Pioneer Cemetery.


STH 69 Construction Project Update 7/20/22

The STH 69 project is continuing to make progress. The photo is looking north towards Sunset Drive:

Construction Update for STH 69 and the upcoming weeks:

  • Bridge work continues into September on the Badger Mill Creek bridge. STH 69 is closed from Manhattan Drive to Pine Row.
  • Grading of the new roadway is completed from Pine Row to south of Sunset and rock is placed (see photo above)
  • Grading operations are occurring and will continue from south of Sunset to CTH PB.
  • The lanes are narrow as crews work on and through the existing roadbed.
  • Grading of the new roundabout at CTH PB has started, and will continue
  • Culvert pipe work continues
  • Construction of the box culvert begins the week of July 25th, and the old bridge will be removed
  • Utility work continues south of Paoli to Belleville

A reminder that CTH PB at STH 69 in Paoli is closed to all traffic.

STH 69 is closed to thru traffic.  Access is allowed for residents and businesses that have an origin or destination on the project. It is highly suggested to use your closest access to STH 69 to get to a driveway. Large trucks need to use appropriate truck routes.

Please slow down, and the construction crew has the right-of-way.

A signed detour route is posted and follows WIS 92, WIS 78 and US 18/151.

Project Website:

If you have any comments or questions, please reach out to Kim Ballweg at 608.212.5191 or

Thank you for your patience and understanding throughout the construction season.



7-5-2022 Food Truck Ordinance

See Link for Food Truck Ordinance

7-5-2022 Food Trucks








STH 69 Construction Project Update 6/16/22

The STH 69 project is making some great progress with the drier weather this week.

STH 69 from Manhattan Drive to Pine Row will CLOSE on June 27th for bridge work on the Badger Mill Creek Bridge. Message boards will be placed at both intersections on June 20th for advanced warning.  Access to Manhattan Drive will be from one of the roadways to the south.

A reminder that CTH PB at STH 69 in Paoli is closed.  

Construction Update for STH 69 and the upcoming weeks:

  • Existing topsoil is being stripped off
  • Grading operations are occurring and will continue over the next several months as the contractors build the new roadway core.
  • The lanes are narrow as crews work on and through the existing roadbed.
  • Bridge work will begin June 27th on the Badger Mill Creek bridge
  • Utility work continues south of Paoli to Belleville

STH 69 is closed to thru traffic.  Access is allowed for residents and businesses that have an origin or destination on the project. It is highly suggested to use your closest access to STH 69 to get to a driveway. Large trucks need to use appropriate truck routes.

Please slow down, and the construction crew has the right-of-way.

A signed detour route is posted and follows WIS 92, WIS 78 and US 18/151.

Project Website:

If you have any comments or questions, please reach out to Kim Ballweg at 608.212.5191 or

Thank you for your patience and understanding throughout the construction season.

Emergency Shelter and Cooling Centers

The American Red Cross will continue to offer shelter through this evening at Madison College for those displaced by this week’s severe weather.


Additionally, Dane County will re-open the Veterans Memorial Coliseum at the Alliant Energy Center tomorrow from 10am until 5pm to serve as a cooling center.


Extreme heat is forecast to continue for the next 24 hours. Meanwhile, utility crews continue to work to restore power to those who lost electricity in Monday’s severe storms.


 The area may be impacted by additional severe thunderstorms tomorrow, (Wednesday, June 15th).


 Residents are encouraged to continue to monitor websites, social media, and local media outlets for further updates.  Health safety information is available at Public Health Madison Dane County’s website –