Town of Montrose
Dane County
Noxious Weeds Notice
Every person is required by law to destroy the following noxious weeds growing on land in the Town of Montrose, Dane County, Wisconsin, owned, operated, or controlled by that person:
- Canada thistle.
- Leafy spurge.
- Field bindweed (Creeping Jenny).
- Any weed designated as a noxious weed by the department of natural resources by rule or any other weed the governing body declares by ordinance resolution to be noxious within its respective boundaries.
This must be done at such time and in such a manner that will effectually prevent the weed plants from maturing to the bloom or flower stage, as required by Section 66.0407 of the Wisconsin Statutes.
Jennifer Armstrong
Town Clerk
For more information on noxious weeds or invasive plants, please visit the WI Department of Natural Resource’s website at: