The Town of Montrose, Dane County (pop.1100) is seeking a clerk. This is a part-time position which requires experience with clerical work, computers, website, accounting/payroll, budgeting, and the ability to attend trainings. The successful applicant will be required to learn and be responsible for the duties of the Town Clerk under Wis. Stats. §§ 60.33, 60-34 and 66.0607 which includes, but is not limited to: issuing licenses and permits, record and post ordinances and resolutions, clerk of meetings, prepare and maintain official town records and accounts, manage payroll, receive and disburse town money, assist in preparation of town budget. Must communicate effectively with the public, vendors, other town employees and public officials. Residency preferred but not required. Town reserves the right to reject all applicants. Send any questions regarding the job to:
Mail a cover letter and resume with references to:
Town Board, Town of Montrose, 1341 Diane Ave, Belleville WI 53508
Or submit packet in person at: Town Hall, 1341 Diane Avenue, Belleville WI 53508.
All applications are due no later than March 5, 2021