Spring Primary Result – Town of Montrose

Results of voting today (February 18, 2020) in the Town of Montrose, in the primary in the Supreme Court race:

Daniel Kelly:  58

Jill Karofsky:  133

Ed Fallone:   36

Supreme Court Primary on February 18, 2020 – VOTE

On Tuesday February 18, 2020 the primary election to decide which of the three candidates for the Wisconsin Supreme Court will be on the ballot in April will be held.  All voting in the Town of Montrose is at the Town Hall between the hours of 7 a.m. and 8 p.m.  You must bring photo ID to vote; and if your address has changed since you last voted, bring proof of residence as well. If you are not registered, you can register on election day at the polls.

Check myvote.wi.gov for detailed information, or call the Town at 608-424-3848

VOTE!  We have a history of excellent turnouts and would like to carry on that tradition.