Tax Information



Treasurer Office Hours to Pay in Person

Monday, December 30, 2024: 10:00am to 4:00pm
Tuesday, December 31, 2024 9:00am to 12:00pm

Tuesday, January 28, 2025: 10:00am to 4:00pm
Wednesday, January 29, 2025: 9:00am to 12:00pm

Real Estate taxes of $99.99 or under must be paid in full.  Real estate taxes greater than $99.99 may be paid in two installments or in full.  The first installment(s) must be paid on or before January 31st.

Second installment(s) must be paid to the Dane County Treasurer on or before July 31**2nd installment can be paid online at

Taxes not paid on these designated dates will be subject to penalty and interest according to State Statute 74.11.

Personal Property taxes are due in full unless otherwise specified on your tax bill.  Make checks payable to Town of Montrose.

Payments by mail:  Payments received and/or postmarked on or before December 31 will be credited in the year paid. If you wish to have a receipt sent to you, mill rate comparison, or brochure of recycling instructions enclose a note with your payment, along with a stamped, self-addressed envelope. (Also see website Payments made by mail should be made out to the Town of Montrose and sent to:

Town of Montrose, 1341 Dianne Avenue, Belleville, Wisconsin 53508, Attn: Treasurer

Please use the letter drop in the office door (south side) or drop your payment using the drop box on the side wall of the Town Hall (south side).

Lost your tax bill? Need a record of tax payments from previous years? Need receipts of Tax Payment?

Go to -

Dog Licensing:  The Town of Montrose adopted by resolution s.60.10 (2) (3), s. 60.22(3), s.60.10 (2) (c), s. 61.34(1) dated April 11, 2000.  All dogs over the age of 5 months must be licensed as required by Chapter 174 of the Wisc. Stat.  A late fee of $5.00 from every owner of a dog 5 months of age or over, if the owner failed to obtain a license prior to April 1st of each year, or within 30 days of acquiring ownership of a licensable dog or if the owner failed to obtain a license on or before the dog reached licensable age as required by Chapter 174.05(5) of the Wisc. Stat.   The license year shall commence on January 1st and end on the following December 31st each year 

Please write a separate check from your tax payment for your dog license .

A current vaccination certificate from your vet is required for the issuance of all licenses (for dogs over 5 months old).  Licenses will not be sold without a valid vaccination certificate.   If you get a new dog (over 5 months old) after this date, please send in your vaccination certificate, after their first rabies vaccination, along with your payment and a self addressed envelope.  You may also stop at the Town Hall to receive the license.  Please call for appointment 424-3848.

Dogs –Spayed/Neutered $20.00
Dogs - Not Spayed or Neutered $30.00
Kennels  (for breeding or hunting purposes) $60.00 (Additional $30. for each additional dog)

Town Treasurer 424-3848, Email:
Town Clerk: 424-3848, Email:

2019 Property Tax Guides